When we ran the Sheenjek it was a pretty busy time at the oars

Lots of hard turns, shallow water, sweepers, bfr's etc

On that trip I had a pard on my boat a local doc

When we finally got to the lower river on an easy stretch he offered to take the oars to give me a break

Will never forget his incredulous response to how "hard" it was to keep the boat in the channel & not get hung up on the shallows

It's not rocket science, but it takes some knowledge of boating & often sheer muscle & energy to keep from winding up in a bad place in heavy water

Some knowledge of how boats move across the water, reading current & channels & setting up beforehand so you're not working against the teeth of the current is extremely helpful but even with said knowledge you often need muscle mass & energy to pull it off

Plus it never ceases to amaze me how an increase in water volume can make things harder

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.