Originally Posted by rrroae
I don't care for potheads but I care even less for those who try to tell other people how to live their lives.

This country was built on individual autonomy and personal responsibility but we've seen those traits gradually chipped away as the do-gooderism crowd does their best to "help" people. This is a major problem with liberalism but conservatives give them a run for their money.

Everyone trying to control other people's lives instead of keeping their nose in their own damn business and worrying about themselves and their family.

Well said.

I can't stand potheads, mostly because I've never met one that was worth a chit. That being said, the last thing I want is the government even more up in people's lives than they are now. As far as I'm concerned someone can smoke themselves into a fog morning, noon, and night so long as I don't have to pay for it.

The part that chaffs me is when the welfare state intermingles with the pot culture and we have multitudes of "disabled" people drawing government (my) money to sit around and get stoned. I send about 40% of my paycheck to the government, money that I get from working a job that requires me to work a 24/7 schedule all over the globe and is in the process undoubtedly shortening my lifespan. A job that requires me to randomly pee in a cup so the government can be sure I'm not smoking the same weed that my wages are being confiscated for to pay some loser to sit around and smoke.

All of these things are failures of the welfare state. I feel no different about this than unwed mothers spitting out babies they won't pay for. I don't care what you do or how you justify it, I'm just tired of paying for it.