Originally Posted by WyoCoyoteHunter
Mike, Elmer didn't brag of killing hawks, owls, and feral horses.. That was a way of life before the yuppies screwed up wildlife laws..I remember those times, and participated in some of it.. We had lots of game and few predators. Now we have lots of hawks, owls , wolves and little game.. You are talking about a man from a different time and way of life.. They were much better than the green crap we endure today!

A bit more about this.

Keith lived in an area with a significant wild horse population. For the urbanite-non westerners this sounds wonderful, and all John Wayne-ish. For a rancher/farmer it was (and still is) a problem.

People invest years, even decades building up a breed line and remuda/herd. They have an incredible amount of money, time and effort invested. Feral mustangs get into these herds and breed with mares and can destroy that hard work. They also can introduce disease and sickness into a domestic herd.

Plus they interfere with rangeland management practices. People don't realize this these days, but at one point there were well over a MILLION wild horses running loose. It was a very common practice during the era, to put them down, rather than have them destroy people's livelihoods.

Today, in the same county that Keith lived in and often wrote about, there is a rather large herd of wild mustangs. They are a very short distance from my cabin.

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