Originally Posted by Nateknight
But a new Kimber should need zero tweaking to make it function correctly.

Describing such thoughts as a pipe dream, would be harsh, as some do function correctly as factory assembled. But, being prepared to tweak the rifle, in a number of ways, may very well be needed, to ever get the rifle to reach its potential. In some ways, Kimber and project in a box, are synonymous.

There is a link in this thread, as well as other threads, such as Brad's, which walk through some of the assembly issues you may experience out of the box. All 100% fixable by the owner. But experience has shown, warranty fix on these issues can be spotty.

Keep us posted on your repairs.

Good Luck!

�I've never met a genius. A genius to me is someone who does well at something he hates. Anybody can do well at something he loves -- it's just a question of finding the subject.�

- Clint Eastwood