Well I hate to be the one Luddite in this fraternity but never carried a sheath other than my sailing and rigging days so all my Elk, deer and antelope chores have been done satisfactorily with my old Boker two blade ‘ Trapper ‘ folder. Certainly not fancy just a bone handle good solid bolsters and most of all a high carbon blade. These days I carry one of those small diamond two grit sharpeners and a couple of quick swipes skinning and it’s fresh. Don’t like any of the different stainless alloy blades never as sharp. I get my Elk down the hardest part at my age is turning them over tie them off belly up with couple of stakes and some small line so I can get to work. My knife has a round tipped Spey blade which ain’t a bad skinner just a bit slow. I also carry my trusty Wyoming saw for bone. Anyway I don’t feel like I’m ill-equipped at all and I’ve had my share of ungulates.
