Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by KFWA
in 2016, 1/3 of Texas state revenue was federal funds.

there is no doubt they'd be ok, but it isn't going to be a windfall
If you are including the Social Security payments and federal retirement payments that Texans receive they do not forfeit those by becoming a citizen of another country. I could move to Zimbabwe and still get my Social Security or retirement if I was eligible.

A divorce is in order but I would hope it could be peaceful.

I don't know what it does or doesn't include, but if you are talking about Texas seceding, the people that go with it would no longer be US Citizens. That's a whole new bag of worms when it comes to Social Security and Medicare

At this point though, Texas is talking about protecting the United States, along with now 24 other states that are in a show of support. That's the right stance.
Do you think a person born a U.S. citizen living in Texas would lose their citizenship if Texas seceded even if there was no proof they had anything to do with the secession? I have a friend that married a lady from El Salvador and they live in Guatemala. His SS payment comes in every month. He hasn't been back to the USA for years. His wife never was a citizen.

Plenty of non-citizens receive SS.

Non citizens serve in our military. Check it out.

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