Originally Posted by gunchamp
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
This could be the best case scenario for a terribly unnecessary and sh.itty situation. If this does blow up into a civil war I seriously don’t expect that most of our military would fight against us on behalf of the feds. I don’t see many situations where American fliers would drop ordnance on Americans protecting their border from foreigners. I might be an optimist but if this is the cause for war I think it puts the feds at a tremendous disadvantage from many perspectives. It might be easy for our enemies to justify this invasion but it won’t be as easy for a Patriot to open fire on another patriot, especially if those patriots are fighting a legitimate war based on our Constitutional principles.

I know some will go against this, but I agree with you. I know they are trying to "woke" our military, but there are far too many good folks in there for them to turn on us. I firmly believe that

I haven't read the whole thread but the first couple of pages reminded me that I posted this the other day and got lambasted basically about how dumb I was.
Pretty sure I know where I stand around here now. Now "everybody" is a patriot and there are more of "us" in the military and BP than there are of "them". OK I got it now.

I wonder how the BP agents feel about this? I can't believe the rank and file BP agents are in agreement with this open border fiasco.

My thinking is this has the potential to get ugly. Probably a lot of bluffs and fakes but in the end look what the jab did to our military. Once one balks, more will do the same.

"Aim right, squeeze light"
" Might as well hit what you're aiming at, it kicks the same whether you miss or not"