Interesting thread. Makes me feel warm all over that I generally just buy scopes at my favorite gunshop, when they have the little 10% Off All Optics sign in the optics case, or occasionally run specials on discontinued models in stock.

Recall a discussion at some years ago, when posters were badmouthing Trashcos and the SWFA guy (Chris?) posted that they didn't carry such junk, except for the SS model. I looked at their website, discovered that they indeed listed most of the then-current Trashco line. Riled him up when I mentioned that, don't think he ever responded to me after that. No problem, I get that alot. ;o)

After 60-some years on the planet, that bromide "If something sounds too good to be true..." still seems about right.

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.