My goal with my hunting rifles is to be able to shoot them to the limit of their utility. Seems silly to be carrying a rifle capable of 500+ yards, and only know how to shoot it to 200+ yards (as was the case for me a couple years ago).

That said my longest shot on game is about 125 yards <g>...

SO MUCH of the "how long is too long" debate could be individually settled with some trigger time, shooting at longer ranges. The shooter and their gear set the outer limit of what's possible, then the conditions of the moment (wind, light, inability to get "sandbag solid", etc) chip away at that.

A huge side bonus of longer-range practicing is that suddenly, 300 yards isn't so far anymore! Plus, it's big-time fun.

Just my ramblings as the coffee kicks in. Be nice to me if you don't like this post... it's my birthday and I'm immersed in Advanced Contract Law right now (Bob- that's "advanced" for Realtors, which I'm sure is NOT really advanced! :-) ) which is like being immersed in... poo.


The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two