Dave Ramsey has an excellent program for eliminating debt. It's similar to what Jorge proposed except for 1 thing. He lines up your debts in order of interest rate instead of amount owed. Get rid of the highest interest 1st.

Unless he changed in the last year or two (I moved out of listening range of his show), I think you meant to say that he has you line up debts smallest-to-greatest, pay minimums on all but the little one, kill that one with every dollar you can squeeze out of yard sales and extra jobs, then move to the next biggest debt, and so on. He calls it "The Debt Snowball"- you start off slow but gather momentum (packing more snow each roll) as you go along, as you wipe out a bunch of pesky small debts, that frees up all the money you used to pay to put on the next largest debt.

People regularly call and argue that they should be paying off the highest interest rate debts 1st- to which he politely suggests that if you were doing math you wouldn't be in the mess you're in calling him for advice.

The theory behind smallest-to-largest is psychological, if you don't get some success soon, you get discouraged and quit. He says that "personal finance" is about 90% "personal" (behaviour), and 10% "finance" (the simple math of spending less than you make).