Originally Posted by Roundup
And...if you get out free and clear...DON'T LEND MONEY TO RELATIVES! You'll be put on the bottom of the list. Ask if they might consider giving you a payment ocasionally and you'll become an instant A$$HOLE! Once..my brother-in-law was jailed on drug related charges. He wanted us to bail him out. I suggested he get in touch with a bail bondsman and maybe put his home up for security. I was labelled a PRICK by my-sister-in-law. It's funny when a relative who drives a better car, has a more expensive home, takes frequent vacations, etc., tries to put the bite on you.

Been there done that have the T shirt.
The warm fuzzy feeling of helping someone supposedly better off than you and then being forgotten when times get better wears off fast!

Last edited by Sauer200; 10/21/08.