MtHtr: I am happy you brought this ongoing horror story to everyones attention!
It IS absolutely HORRIFIC what the transplanted Canadian Wolves are doing to the domestic animals here in Montana (Wyoming and Idaho as well!) let alone the Big Game Animlas.
But I need to take issue with a couple of things from the Billings article!
First of all the latest census (summer 2,009) of Wolves puts the population in the tri-state area at just over 2,000 animals!!!
Remember we were "PROMISED" (by the green sons of bitches and daughters of whores who are running this fiasco!) that ONLY 325 Wolves total would be the population where in once reached the states could manage them at that number!
So much for the lies of the green sons of bitches and daughters of whores!!!
The other part of the equation is that the Wolves have apparently NOT reached a density where they have "dominant" breeding pairs as yet.
The Wolves are breeding on a "come one come all" basis!
Where in (according to the game biologists) ANY female is likely to become impregnated!
NOT just the dominant "couples" but any female may be breeding/reproducing.
Thus the incredible explosion in population from 50 Wolves in 1995 to over 2,000 in the summer of 2,009!
IMAGINE where we are gonna be in 2,018???
Our Bighorn Sheep, Moose and Elk populations are suffering to the extreme in MANY areas of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana right now!
And thats a damned shame!
We (as sportsmen!) worked LONG and HARD to establish our Elk herds (and Moose and Bighorn Sheep herds!) now those herds are simply going up in Wolf farts!
Sportsmen be careful, VERY CAREFUL who you vote for!
Thanks for nothing rmWf!
On a personal note: I know several members of the Konen family and the harm that has befallen them and their ranching operations (very near my home!) at the hands (paws and fangs!) of the transplanted Canadian Wolves is much worse than was relayed in that article.
This whole Canadian Wolf transplantation situation is an absolute tragedy.
Hold into the wind