Originally Posted by efw
Unfortunately your post supposes that these people can be reasoned with. They can't.

History is full of instances where some group grabs onto some peice of biblical truth (such as the fact that homosexuality is sin, and like all sin deserves God's just condemnation) taking it to an unbiblical extreme.

The fact of the matter is that ALL sin is worthy of condemnation. Their lack of compassion was condemned by Christ when Pharisees were about to stone a woman guilty of adultery... "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone".

All death is a judgment from God against all sin. These people practice a type of hypocrisy that demonstrates that even those within the visible Church are prone to show their depravity just as readily as those outside. They ought to be ashamed but it seems as though such introspection is beyond them.

That was a good post.