I don't know. I heard a little interview w/ the spokeswoman for the congregation this evening and she said some weird things.

She said that God has commissioned them (the congregation) to blind the eyes of people so that they may see their sin and turn to God.

The problems are that in all references to the reprobate in the Bible being blinded it is God doing the blinding, and He is doing the blinding with the intent not that they may see (duh??) but as a way of giving them over to condemnation.

Nowhere in the Bible has God commissioned people to blind others. Nowhere in the Bible has God blinded people so that they can return to Him.

Of course how that relates to what these folks would have to say of the Islamists who are killing our men in uniform overseas I don't know. It sounds like these folks are a bit beyond reasonable faculties when it comes to their exegesis.