The problem is that if you fail to recognize an objective standard of good and bad beyond yourself then you've also surrendered the right to make value judgments about the actions of anyone beside yourself.

I understand that as a person who begins and ends with yourself that you don't accept the concept of sin and you certainly are entitled to believe whatever you like. As a matter of fact, you may well be a better man than me even according to the standards you yourself reject.

The problem is, God's bar is higher than me; it is Himself. And just as my denial of gravity would not allow me to fly, your denial of the concept of sin doesn't allow you to avoid answering for yourself at the end of all time.

We can't lean on our own righteousness at that point because not only have we committed sins (adultery & theft, for instance) but we have also ommitted acts of righteousness that positively fulfill Gods Law. To be made right at that high of a standard we must look to Christ who committed no sin and ommitted no righteousness. He was perfect, and by claiming Him and His righteousness we can recieve grace on that last day.

I say "we" because that offer is made to you and anyone else who looks at himself and sees something that is, to avoid the "s" word, "less than perfect" and in need of One who was... and is... perfect.