Originally Posted by KevinGibson
I have NO IDEA where they come up with the justification for what they do, but I can CERTAINLY tell you where they go wrong.

Jesus, the Son of God...When he was here on earth he gave out ONE and only ONE commandment:

John 13:34-35:
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. And they shall know you are my followers, because of your love.

Do you see anything about what Westboro is doing that conveys love?

I look at John 13:34-35 as God's divine "BS Detector", and mine is pegged when I look at what Westboro does.

You, sir, are the type of Christian (and person) for whom I have the highest possible respect! You seem to have found the essence of Christianity and live by it.

If ALL professed Christians focused on that one simple phrase the numerous doctrines that have developed from the various interpretations of the gospels would not be leading folks like those from the Westboro Baptist Church to preach and act out of hatred.