Originally Posted by saddlesore
I don't think any horse or mule is all that interested in keeping thier riders safe.They are intersted in keeping themselves safe and the rider is just lucky enough to go along with it. The more mature an animal is,the more that becomes a learned task, along with good training.
When we start trying to impart human emotions and thought proceses into equines,we usually end up in trouble.

I don't disagree with you often, but more than once I've been bailed out by a horse (yes, a horse) and there was no doubt in my mind he was taking care of me and knew it. On the other hand, a few others have gone out of their way to bust my knee on a tree that really wasn't that convenient for him to begin with and he knew it.

"Be sure you're right. Then go ahead." Fess Parker as Davy Crockett