Originally Posted by ppine
I rented a string of horses in WY from some guys we knew. They were all untested. About 40 miles in we were lined out and moving good, but we are all kind of sleepy. I allowed the horse I was riding to get the lead rope caught under his tail and he clamped down on it right on his butt hole. Horses on pack strings should be trained to deal with it. He wasn't and started the crow hopping and bucking on a steep trail.

I've been around a bunch of horses that have led pack strings for years and miles and roping horses that have roped thousands of times. Some of them consider the rimfire spot completely off limits no matter how many times.

I've used a crouper on some colts to try and get them used to it, but I'm not real eager to find out for sure.

Where were you on this trip?