I've got a 2001 Ford Explorer, 5.0 ltr V-8, AWD with 175k on it. It's been a great car. Never done anything major...nothing. Brakes, occasional wheel bearing, regular service, that's it. But with its age and mileage, I figure I've got most of the good miles out of it. Now I'm considering a 4 Runner. I refuse to pay car payments, but laying out 34k for a new(2013) one...well, let's just say "no".

So, my questions:

*Considering I will drive it 10 plus years, or until it is otherwise mostly used up, what is the highest mileage you would consider if purchasing used?
*I'm kinda figuring 200k mileage without any major rebuilding/repairs. Is this a reasonable expectation or am I being overly optimistic?

*Considering 2008 or later model, 4.0 ltr V-6, 4WD

One other thing, are there any bad models or motors or other things that I should be aware of and avoid?

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice

Last edited by snubbie; 08/22/13.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Originally Posted by Calvin
As far as gear goes.. The poorer (or cheaper) you are, the tougher you need to be.
