Just happened to look over this thread.. Great reading.. Haven't had the chance to read all of it yet, but will do soon..
Ah! The Willows!! Was just in that placed in the last 10 mth.. Ask about an old fishing buddy there.. He is still alive, but doesn't spend much time in the Endless Mountains any more.. I suppose the first time I was in the Willows was considerably more than 50 years ago.. Also the old Keating Hotel.. Long gone now due to fire..
My Grandfather took the train to beyond Karthus with his hunting crew.. They were dropped off at Yost Run and picked up by a mountaineer and taken across the river for 2 weeks bear and deer hunting.. Later they had a mobile camp, and drove down the ridge on Yost Run and hunted there..
Many memories... Enjoyable reading..

Molon Labe