The noise from the upstairs bunks was a dull snore chorus. Most of us knew to get to sleep before the real snoring started from a few pros.

Great memories.

Only one serious snoring incident at our camp and that was in the early 70s. Took a flatlander uncle along for the first week of buck one year and one year only.

Myself and another bud each slept on sofas against outside walls. Uncle and the other bud slept on folding cots in the center of the room. Me and the other sofa guy couldn't get to sleep with unc's snoring.

The guy on the cot next to him never lost a minute's sleep. But that little bastige could sleep thru an artillery barrage.

I wanted to tote unc outside in the snow. Sounded like a pair of McCulloughs idling all night. The following night I turned the radio on and let 'er play all night. That uncle could never figure out why I never invited him back to buck camp.

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.