Many of the guys are now gone. The fifty is now less than ten. Most of the deer hunting is just out of sight of the building.

One deer season, after a heavy snow, the clouds cleared late evening to a clear sky with a full moon. It was bright enough to walk around the forest and the trees cast long shadows on the snow. Amazing conditions. Have never seen it again.

Old firehouse ten burner gas stove with a double oven replaced an older gas stove. Two antique propane refrigerators would get icy cold. The hiss of Coleman lanterns, smell of the wood fire, cigarette smoke, and pipe smoke. No matter how cold it was outside the place was toasty warm. Always plenty of good food and extra goodies.

The noise from the upstairs bunks was a dull snore chorus. Most of us knew to get to sleep before the real snoring started from a few pros.

Great memories.