This study admittedly used a very small sample. 20 subjects and 20 for the "control" group? I think we need much more to go on. How many variable factors were going on? I don't even know if THC was the only substance the subjects were putting in their bodies. I don't know their nutritional status, which is very important, and especially for younger people when their brains are still developing. The study admits to not even knowing if the brain "abnormalities" are lasting. It would be helpful to see a study of over 1,000 subjects and then control it for other variables.

The motive for ingesting THC is to get high. However, there are many people who are using some of the marijuana plant for pain control only. If they were to have a drug test, they would barely register on the THC reading because we are talking about a different derivative of the marijuana plant that comes in several forms.

I have to honestly say that if my chronic pain was significantly compounded, narcotics were losing their effect, my quality of life was in the toilet, and I was out of options, I just might have to ask myself, "Does the benefit outweigh any risk"?