Originally Posted by Asphaltangel

I have to honestly say that if my chronic pain was significantly compounded, narcotics were losing their effect, my quality of life was in the toilet, and I was out of options, I just might have to ask myself, "Does the benefit outweigh any risk"?

Haven't smoked pot in many years, but to be totally honest about it, I never recall it having any pain killing properties.

As for risk,...*shrugg*,..I don't know of any.

Too much of it will make a person sit around, eat ice cream, listen to music,..and ponder things to a level far beyond their significance.

In moderation, it enhances whatever feelings you may have towards an endeavor or experience,...both good and bad.

Unlike alcohol,...it's not something to use to "dull" an experience.

I'll put it this way.

It's good for going fishing on a sunny, spring morning.

It's bad for attending a funeral.