Originally Posted by mathman
What is the suspected cause of the problem?

Top skinned over too fast, areas where the cream layer got "burned" the surface was too tight, water was still trying too bleed out but couldn't breathe through those burned spots. So, it basically blistered the cream layer loose.

Something like that.

That's basically the best theory right now and my own impression from what I've gathered.

The concrete guys are looking towards the company that supplies them with mix powder, thinking something caught them off guard with the condition or age of the powder itself that lead to a "hot mix".

These guys batch a good volume on a daily basis, they aren't what you'd call a now and then small time operation. One of the crew guys is a friend of mine, he came out to look this morning. He said he's been doing this for 20 yrs and he's only seen this happen once before.

I guess I'm just lucky as f uck huh?

Something clever here.