
Perspective is often funnier than [bleep] and I'm rather at ease in capturin' more than a few moments. Hell,I've even seen me be influential and rather good for the economy. Laffin'!

Now please do not think I'd be demeaning Where you "live" or what you "do",because there is no [bleep] way I could,half as well as you...when you try your "best" not too. Laffin'!

Twist rates are sumptin' all new to me and I appreciate your taking the time. Laffin'!

Top to bottom: 7,8,9,10,12 and 14"...in the back of one my dinghies no less.

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We do not get any snow in Kansas,luckily and thus the propensity to field Blued/Walnut,as it is comfortin' to set and eye [bleep] same. Laffin'!

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Have never heard of the other chambering you cite. I'll Google it. laffin'!

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Now I know the Tennessee State Motto is: "Slow Learning" and "special" people are held in esteem there,but what is it that they let a Retarded [bleep] like yourself,"do" for a "Living"?!? I know,I know...it's an awkward question and if it helps,use enough Imagination and Pretend to paint the pic you need to portray. Laffin'!

Good talk.

You "hard chargers" really get after it.

WOW +P+!


Oh it's [bleep] wayyyyyyyyyyy funnier than that.



Windage adjustable rears are an invite to a Goat [bleep],which is apparently why they sell sooooooo well in Texas. ONLY Thing it could be. Laffin'!

Have you Started At The [bleep] Start? "BAD" barrels don't start shooting GOOD groups. Hint. Read that again.

What's the bedding like? FL,float,dabbed,portions of?

A borsecope won't tell you ANY of those things. Hint.

Here's a rougher than cob barrel,that shoots rather nicely.

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It happens to be aboard a Cooper 21 223.

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I VERY much enjoy the notion,that folks "think" they can "see" accuracy with a borsecope.

It ain't the barrel Toots,rather everything surrounding it.


Thank me later.

Good talk.


You are 5 minutes of time and 17 IQ Points away from having it whooped...but as they say,"Close...but NO cigar!".


[bleep]! I go to laughing sooooooooo [bleep] hard,I forgot THE most important question. How much do you want for that POS that "doesn't shoot"? To be clear,I am talking without that POS Scope and the POSE base/rings.



I was fixin' a broken photo link to a dinghy and saw your Post.

Did Turnbull do that stock? His case hardening is without doubt,some of THE best...that's a beaut!