
It's purty [bleep] mean of you,to keep tossin' Fotis' rubber dick across the street,to see if she'll bring it back...if only because you KNOW she will! Dirty [bleep]' "trick".


The one thing with Lake Trout,as you know,is they ain't worth a [bleep] to eat during The Rut. They get their Fall Plummage on and the hormones is flowin'(much like Fotis suffers) and their relative tablefare takes a hit,when their meat turns dark like that.

Better eatin',while they's in the Velvet and their Summer Coats.

[Linked Image]

Just sayin'.


Please don't give in(again)...you REALLY are doing "great".



It's your Imagination,Pretend with it however pleases you most. Points awarded for doing so aloud,if only because it's so "real" to you. Laffin'!

I getta kick outta you Day Dreaming Do Nothing Dumb [bleep],please show no mercy...as you recount all the things you almost did,the wares you almost did 'em with and the fascinating places you nearly did 'em.

PLEASE do not let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt.

You "hard chargers" are a [bleep] riot!

Double Dog Dare,to dangle a pic of yourself and mention what you "do" for a "living". Lookin' forward to them Excuses and more Whine.

Bless your heart.



They need ALL the [bleep] help they can get,with their Imaginations and Pretend.

If only because it's all the sorry kchunts got.(grin)

(Addendum: For yet another [bleep] Window Licker)


I reckon you are so "good" with your Imagination and it's Pretend,due simply to the fact that it's all you got. Luckily it ain't sharp,or you'd hurt yourself. Laffin'!

I'll feign my "surprise",that yet another Member of The Paper Hat Brigade,is more than a little taken aback at pixels and vocation. Not that it's hardly "news",if only because it is THE most constant of Themes and them Realities,do you Drooling Dumb [bleep] no favors. Congratulations?!?

Have never been to AK,but reside in KS. Mebbe given your "intelligence" you juxtaposed(that means [bleep] up) the abbreviations?


Is there no [bleep] end,to the Stupidity of you amazingly inept Clueless Kchunts?!? Luckily for you,Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can "participate".

Bless your heart...the only thing you "get",is stumped. Pardon the poignant profundity,sailin' over the top of your pointy head.
