My most recent experience with death, For whatever reason I know 20 some people that passed from various causes this year, was my uncle of cancer. He was a huge mountain of a man. 6'5" and 310 lbs. He lived his life as he pleased and never once mentioned the Lord in a positive light. Just that he would never be Good enough to receive The Lord's salvation.
He did very little treatments for the disease always worried of the cost and did not want to leave my aunt in debt.... He even told my aunt that she needed to find someone to take care of her when he was gone.
To make a long story short , in the last weeks of his life he accepted Jesus as his personal savior and also spoke with me about what he believed all his life was Wrong... He realized that when we are weak , God is strong. Facing terminal illness that would take months he felt strong in the Lord's Love for the first time in his life. Two days later he had a stroke and entered the Lord's presence. In relative peace and comfort. Life is a God given gift, If we chose to end it early for any reason whether it is from health concerns or stressful life or whatever we are going against God's plan...
This woman's decision is a purely selfish decision that is made even more crazy by her need to be in magazine articles and tv. She is doing a bucket list of things all along with cameras following. If her decision is so personal and hers alone then leave the cameras behind.
These are just my opinions and from a Christian bias, but She never gave God a chance to work in her life and He will not be there in the end for her........