Originally Posted by RobJordan

She's an empty suit (intellectually at least). She actually attended five (count 'em) different colleges before finally graduating. She couldn't get even one of her three oldest children to graduate high school. Helluva a track record there, for sure.

You are embarrassing yourself and conservatives.
With your track record about Sarah and now with her family, you really need to change your Kool-Aid.

Helluva a �Track� record here, for sure.
Track Palin graduated from Wasilla High School in 2007 and joined the Army. Went to Iraq. Went to Afghanistan. Has a family and fishes for a living.

Bristol Palin returned with her son and graduated from Wasilla High School in 2009 and Penrose Academy beauty school in Scottsdale, AZ in 2014. With her NYT bestseller and her TV series, she probably has more money than you or I do.

Willow Palin graduated early from Wasilla High School in 2012 and Penrose Academy beauty school in Scottsdale, AZ in 2013. She is in the business with Legal Name: Willow Bianca LLC

Piper Palin is almost 14 and plays basketball like her Mom.

Trig Palin is almost 7 and graduated pre-school in May of 2014. �With Honors� his proud Mom said.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."