my guess is she's going to tease the Bowsingers of the world into a lather with hinting at considering the possibility of running for president thus ensuring 4 more years of lucrative speaking gigs and fox news appearances before announcing that in a moment of reflection thru faith, her family and people in the political arena reaching out to her, she is going to sit this one out and continue playing the more important role of throwing her support to tea party candidates and true patriots that are out there making this country better

and they'll believe every word of it while proclaiming she could have easily won

so in that sense- she is as smart as fox because

1. she knows she wouldn't win the presidency
2. if she did run she'd have a laundry list of embarrassing gaffs that would make her lose credibility with the believers.
3. after she dropped out of the election, she'd be delegated to also-ran who would see fewer opportunities to be looked upon as a talking head expert on some subject. She isn't about to give up that lucrative position. I wouldn't be surprised to hear she has a book coming out in the next few months capitalizing on the attention the election cycle generates for her.

does that make her any worse than 90% of the other politicians out there? no - but I'm not ever going to believe that the home spun aww shucks persona she pushes somehow makes her qualified to be anything close to president, and there are many more qualified conservatives out there who should be considered before her.

Last edited by KFWA; 01/30/15.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings