Our area is better right now than it has been for quite a while. I could maybe get a brick or two a week if I wanted to but I am good on ammo so I pass unless it is something I need for this fall. I leave it for some body who may not have any. Last week I did buy 2 bricks of Rem. sub sonic hp. I have a couple CZ 452's and a 541-S that shoot this stuff great. I know no one cares for Rem. ammo but this stuff is as accurate as a lot of the better quality ammo I have. It is still price gouging at most gun shows I go to but if friends need 22 ammo I pick it up for them and sell it to them for what I pay for it. Hate to see friends not have any to shoot in their rifles if they want to. Federal auto match has been easy to get local from $19-21 for 325 box.