In my experiences with the WW 333 packs, considered them to be not worth fetching home. Lots of duds, poor accuracy, but that was several years ago.

Roughly half of those duds that came outta semis used in our indoor winter matches, would fire if I put 'em in a bolt rifle, rotated the FP strike 180 degrees and tried 'em.

The WW 100 packs I picked up are labeled Super Speed HPs. 50 yard group with the RAR was about two to three inches. Rem. Golden Bullet HPs grouped around an inch or so, better than I expected.

Givin' them some slack until the next time, since I didn't have my trusty Protektor leather rear bag in the truck and made do with a coupla 2x6 blocks to rest the butt on at the bench.

Damn bag has seldom ever left the cab of the last four trucks I've had, no idea WTH it got to yet.

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.