Originally Posted by Aussiesteve
Originally Posted by CarlsenHighway
Originally Posted by Aussiesteve
What about Peter Handcock? What about the Englishman who was pardoned for the same crime?

You really need to read up on the history of the Kelly's if you think they are cold blooded murderers. Your lack of knowledge is embarrassing.

Yeah I ve read about them. It only reinforced my opinion on Australian police officers and made me observe that nothing has changed much. And the Kellys are still murderers too.

You Aussies have to stop blaming everything on the English. You would have though that after the genocide of the Tasmanian abo's and the general oppression of the rest, the utter corruption of your politicians and police force, you would just come clean and admit that the entire colony was founded with criminals and just give up.
When I lived there the nations pastimes were drinking and racism.

You are a pathetic looser. The Kelly's were Irish, police were Irish. Seeing as you know so much, why don't you tell us what happened when Fitzpatrick went to the Kelly homestead? It was soley on his word that the warrants for attempted murder were issued. Why were the police out of uniform in the Wombat rangers, why did 8 men in 2 parties search for what they thought were only 2 people? Why did the Mansfield boot maker make up a heap of long leather straps to carry out the bodies? Why didn't the police carry the warrants on them like they were legally obliged to? I'll tell you why smart arse, the police went to murder the Kelly bots and lost.

As for once living here, all I can say is thank God you have gone. 1 less whining cuzzy bro over here thieving jobs of us. Maybe you could get a few thousand more to head home with you?

There is 1 thing I never understood about Kiwi's. You will all fight for NZ, you will die for NZ, you will barrack for NZ, but none of you will bloody live there.

LOL Mention that you dont like Ned Kelly and listen to them. Dry your eyes petal. You're still white.

"A person that carries a cat home by the tail will receive information that will always be useful to him." Mark Twain