1) Normal people who would comment on how fine the new police looked, and made comment that the town was more peaceful hardly seem like criminals that bare the brunt of police attention.

2) Of course there is aid and abet, but the police had no idea there was 4. As for the warrants, how on Earth could they be an oversight? They couldn't arrest them without them, so why not take them unless you didn't plan on using them. Also what about Lonigan killing a Tiger snake on the way out and exclaiming "first blood to us", and the open talk about taking the flashness out of the Kelly's?

4) There has been discussion on the Kelly ttisl and it's fairness. Here is a link http://www.ironoutlaw.com/writings/sixty-minutes-kelly-on-trial/

It's bad when a Victorian chief justice thinks the trial was hopelessly unfair.

5) You are keen to point out the crimes of the Kelly's but not of the police? Why?

I can't answer why Ned, Dan, Steve and Joe didn't live straight lives. I can say that the scheme the Kelly's had going on was lucrative and worked well. I honestly think that if Fitzpatrick hadn't gone to the homestead and then lied about an attempted murder, Mrs Kelly would have gone on selling sly grog, and the others would have been horse thieves and long ago forgotten.