It's not speculation to state that none of this would have occurred if not for Firzpatrick. Without his false accusations, there was no search, no Stringybark creek, innocent people would not have had to do years hard labour.

You want me to speculate on what life the Kelly's might of had if they weren't horse thieves, implying that they would have had no trouble with police. How did being honest work out for Skillion and Williamson? Or even land owners who were merely thought to be sympathetic to the Kelly cause.

Why were there people in the bush waiting behind the Glenrowan inn for a flare be fired, to come down and join in? Where were the public standing in regards to Johnny Gilbert, Ben Hall, Captain Moonlight? The certainly were not aiding them, protecting them and willing to fight with them. Behaving was neither here nor there, police at the time did as they liked and the people finally got sick of it. Why did Ned want to create a separate state for? Because everybody was being treated just dandy in the current one?