
I have a 660 in 222 Rem, basically the same rifle as yours. The previous owner had replaced the plastic trigger guard assy with a metal one of unknown manufacture. Of course, shortly after buying it, I had to take it apart to check it out and had a lot of trouble getting it back together again. I decided that since it would be a range/varmint rifle anyway, I bought a single shot follower and installed it. It did take me a long time to get the magazine back together and seated correctly. I don't know if there were parts missing or what, but the magazine didn't seem to want to stay in one piece while placing the trigger guard in place. It's back together now and I won't be taking the stock off anytime soon. It shoots great though.

"A free people (claim) their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate."
--Thomas Jefferson, Rights of British America, 1774