I like that Trump is mixing things up. I like the "winning". That said, watching how he deals with some folks, especially running people down in public is going to come back to haunt him. If you're a boss and those people depend on you for a job with other people waiting to fill their shoes if you fire them, you've got a big hammer to wield. You can get things accomplished...you may not get loyalty, but you can force them to do things. In politics, I'm not sure its the same. Keep beating people with the hammer, especially publicly, and they are going to stop working with you, not just them but everyone who's watching....and if enough of them do it, you ain't gonna get nothing done...and in politics if they all turn against you you'll end up getting the shaft.

Hopefully he has an end game in sight and isn't just flying by the seat of his pants, twittering every odd thought. If he pisses enough people off, especially in his own party.....even if he is President, he ain't going to get big issues resolved.