Originally Posted by JamesJr
Like it or not, whether there is anything there or lot, the Russia thing is not going away, and is holding Trump hostage. This isn't like decision that he was used to making in the business world, where he just said "do it:, and it was done. This is politics, it's not like the business world. Firing Sessions, or forcing him to resign isn't going to make Russia go away, it's only going to add to Trump's problems.

^ This right here; cept I'd add that as much as we love bashing the MSM at this point they aren't the ones holding Trump hostage with Russia... Trump is.

He has a major communication problem with inconsistency between messengers, lack of transparency, and bumbling at every turn. Every time he has the chance to make a cogent argument as to why something isn't what it appears he seems to show exactly the opposite.

Just watch the CNN interview with his new communications guy posted elsewhere here. New people won't take care of his problem because HE is the problem saying we'd not know if Russia hacked that looks so inane.

There either really is something to the Russia thing (I don't buy that personally) or Trump is such a self consumed narcissist that he can't see how everything he does makes it look like nothing is in fact something. There just is no other possibility than these two and neither bode well for the future of his campaign promises.