Originally Posted by JamesJr
Originally Posted by Fubarski

Let's sit there and do nothin to the Demonrats that have violated federal statute and the constitution, cause they's Demonrats.

Hell with Brian Terry.

Hell with the Tea Party bein blocked out of campaignin.

Hell with top secret emails leaked to our enemies, on purpose.

Hell will freeze over before any action will ever taken on any of those things. Back room deals have been made, whereby if you don't come after me, then I won't come after you. Everybody has dirt on everybody else, Republicans and Democrats alike, so it's a stalemate.

That's why Sessions needs to be fired....Trump ran on the platform of draining the swamp and one of the more popular chants during his primary speeches was "Lock Her Up"....during his last debate with her, he made a promise to seek charges against her if he were elected....if Sessions doesn't have the balls to open or reopen investigations of Hillary, Holder, Rice, Lynch, Lerner and other players in one of the most corrupt administrations to ever hold power, he needs to have his ass kicked back into the swamp.....