Originally Posted by efw
I don't understand why any Conservative would want Sessions to resign, much less why Trump would be upset with him.

He has done an excellent job on illegal immigration which is why Trump brought him on.

Just because Holder was a hack doesn't mean Sessions should be, and that seems to be Trump's "logic".

Trump doesn't seem to have any real core principles except himself and his narcissism. If he fires Sessions it has to be presumed that his litmus test will be firing the special prosecutor which will really turn this Russian stupidity into something.

Terrible terrible work here Mr Pres; not at all what I wanted when I voted for him.

Good post. I'm far more concerned with the good job that Sessions has done on illegal immigration than with his failure to kiss Trump's ass, as some of the other posters are. Just because a few of them are ass kissers, doesn't mean that Sessions has to be one. If Trump would work half as hard pushing his agenda, as he does agitating those that he doesn't like, the country would be much better off. I didn't vote this crap, I voted for something better, or at least I thought I did.