Originally Posted by achadwick
You seem to be suggesting that addiction or even consumption of mind altering drugs has no effect on folks behavior. Do you have any evidence to support that assertion? I think many on this thread are very skeptical, me included.

It all affects behavior. The consumption of ANYTHING will alter your internal chemistry and your brain chemistry. Those are facts. That people choose to demonize one set of substances, but refuse to address others, tells me they have not bothered to reason out what the causes are for behaviors at all. They just want to blame and ban something, just like the left does. Does it ever work? NO. And it leads to mass-murder and genocide every single fuucking time. Learn how to think. Weed doesn't commit crimes. People do. Why? That's what you want to know. And it seems like you want to blame a group of substances for altering behavior, but that isn't how the foundations of this society were built. They were built on personal freedom and personal responsibility, neither of which have anything to do with law, or substances of any sort.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.