Originally Posted by Bwana_1
Originally Posted by Fireball2
Those are exactly the kind of things that lead to the breakdown of family and Christian values, celebrating immorality we see today.

You always forget a VERY important fact, the religious "nones" in this country has grown to 25%...add the Jews and non-secular in the mix, and that very significant population doesn't care nor heed "morality". Since morality comes from the teachings of the bible, it has no relevance in laws like abortion.

You should quit judging your fellow man with 1 hand, while beating your bible with the other...both arms will be tired, and God won't care in the end.

Originally Posted by Fireball2
So legalizing abortion and consequently killing millions of people did nothing to contribute to the breakdown of family and Christian values. Got it, thanks.

Show me where I commented on abortion ?, you were busy judging weed growers as immoral, now it's abortion...try to stay on topic.

Have you been smoking a bong tonight ? smile