Originally Posted by Pharmseller
Originally Posted by Doc_Paul
Middlefork, I have little sympathy for the addict and absolutely none for the dealer. But you have to ask yourself why are so many people doing drugs in the first place?
Does incarcerating people arrested for possession really help the problem or just pack the jails? How do we as a society teach people they CAN take control of their circumstances? Alternatively, how does a society teach people their actions DO carry consequences?

I think the combination of personal responsibility and the risk of dire consequences hold the key.

Heck, I'm just the veterinarian, not a sociologist.

People do drugs because they have too much free time. They're not working 10-12 hours per day to bring in the harvest or butcher the cow. Living is easy, even for the poor in this country.


and identifying another reason that there is so many dope grows and people
involved with Marijuana in Southern Oregon...

along with the time to go out and commit crimes to benefit themselves at other's expenses..

with no repercussions because of how little police presence we have

and how little Salem can give a schitt about it...

if it isn't in Salem, Eugene or Potland, they really could care less about the rest of the state...

they just want us to milk tax money out of.. so they can build their liberal utopia up north...

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez