Originally Posted by Bwana_1
Originally Posted by Gus
i mean no disrespect, but the DEA, feds, narcs, whomever they are can't even keep the cartels from mexico & central america from shipping stuff from there to points further north through phoenix, dallas, atlanta, and up the east coast to new york, boston, etc.

why penalize legitimate american growers while the cartels run wild??? i'm serious, shouldn't we begin enforcing the border laws first? or do they have a free pass?

You're correct, the border needs tightened up. But the Cartels aren't shipping weed like in the old days, the changes in US law have dropped the price significantly...and Border busts for weed are almost 1/2 of what they were in 2010. The Cartels devote their time to cocaine, heroine, Oxi's,,,the opiate market is thriving, and the health concerns in this country prove that.

there it is. there's limited resources available for the control of illegal substances (unless we want to raise the taxes of working men & women through the roof). so, a logical first step might be to focus our limited resources on the most egregious illegal drugs first? that'd be a positive start related to getting a positive societal payback from the investments in control that DEA & affiliates are engaging. i have no problem with controlling illegal drugs. but, there ought to be a bit of thoughtfulness in the process, not just a wild orgy of spending tax=payers money with no results. please excuse me, i'm searching for new pharmaceuticals being advertised on tv, encouraging me to ask my doctor about whether they'll be helpful to me if i try them.