Originally Posted by Seafire

its not a what came first type of thing, the chicken or the egg...

The product and the corruption make up two halves of the circle...

Actually it is, your corrupt "powers to be" DIDN'T show up when weed was legalized,,,they helped legalize it. If weed wasn't legal, do you think they would be honest pillars of the community ? No, they would have voted in Adult book stores, Pharmacies doling out Oxi's like candy, hookers on every corner, etc...If massive money can be made, corruption will follow soon after...think Mafia.

Originally Posted by Seafire

along with the time to go out and commit crimes to benefit themselves at other's expenses..

with no repercussions because of how little police presence we have

and how little Salem can give a schitt about it...

if it isn't in Salem, Eugene or Potland, they really could care less about the rest of the state...

they just want us to milk tax money out of.. so they can build their liberal utopia up north...

The states that legalized promised their constituents that the tax dollars would help the economy, thus improving roads/schools/etc. Many of those states have invested into their infrastructure and community improvements. Your crooked team has far too few of police available, after allowing 1000's of growers into the community. Considering most of the weed leaves your state, but all of the revenue stays there...the growers income is being spent within the local community. So your revenues/taxes are up, and the final product weed is another states problem.

My point is: It could be worse, from heroine to Oxi the potential horror would dwarf your weed issue. Vote out your local government and start over, or move.