My stepfather has a small 'gentleman's farm'[doesn't live on it] but works it every day after closing his mechanical shop.
He had two white labs that live at the shop and go everywhere that he goes. A neighbor at his farm raises some kind of 'special' cats and stepfathers dogs would give chase if any of these cats ventured over[special strain of cat, yet he let them free-range].
Tuesday night the labs chased one of them home. Stepfather drove over to retrieve his dogs and the guy first put a pistol in his face, then turned and shot both of his labs sitting at his feet-point blank, killed both.
Then the guy took off just as my stepfather grabbed his pistol from his truck.
Interesting thing is that two Federal Marshalls were in on chasing him down along w/local Sheriffs dept.
His bail/bond hearing is sometime today and stepfather is going......I hope and pray he can control his emotions.

People are just F'ing crazy anymore.....