Originally Posted by JSTUART
Originally Posted by kingston
Originally Posted by JSTUART

I am just bored and being picky about accepting anything on face value as I know there is never any 'true' story, merely versions.

You justify the unsympathetic, insincere, and equivocal heckling of someone else's tragedy with boredom and truth seeking...

You're not who I thought you were.

On the other hand I am exactly who I think I am, and I am not inclined to accept a one-sided version of anything without verification.

Or do you really think someone that has spent his life cloistered in an education facility would confront another with a firearm without feeling threatened.

Mind you after seeing how a lot of posters here put their animals before everyone and everything else there is always the chance that the retired Professor was just as wacked out of his skull as those here that demand extraordinary access to privately owned lands without consideration of the rights and wishes of the property owners.

Problem here is you are making an assumption and using that assumption as a kernel to question the OP's post.

I don't know what happened. Doesn't impact me directly.

But I do know higher-ed and higher-ed types. Spent almost 7 years in college. Worked for universities for over 4 years after that and continue to engage with them on a professional level to this day. My wife has taught and worked for community colleges, colleges and universities for the better part of her entire professional career.

If you think simply because someone is a prof, or ass't prof, that they are sane and they wouldn't do something as described in the OP's post, you clearly have know knowledge of what you speak. Those employed by universities, particularly tenured profs and those that were employed long enough to retire are about as far removed from reality as any group of professionals I have ever dealt with. Wouildn't surprise me in the least for some retired prof to go off the dep end like this.

Montana MOFO