Lots of good info here. I enjoy reading the input of those with lots of experience. All I can add is the experience of a buddy. He shot a Canada moose with his 300 Weatherby and handloaded 180 grain Barnes TSX bullets. It worked fine, and his guide was impressed. That's enough for me!

My choice, if I still had one of them, would be one of my various 35 Whelens and 350 Remington Magnum rifles. Better yet would be the 358 Norma Magnum rifle I took to Colorado for elk in 1991. All of those big guns are gone now. I can't handle the recoil. These days I would take my remaining "big gun" - my Tikka 30-06. It would have to suffice. I would handload Barnes TSX bullets and try to shoot straight.

Happy New Year to all in advance.

NRA Endowment Life Member, G.O.A supporter