Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by MOGC
There are a couple out of state groups that come to my neck of the Missouri Ozarks to squirrel hunt. They camp for three or four days and hunt public ground. They have a good time. My son and I are bow hunting deer at that same time and always visit the one camp every year. One of the older members and his son always make a big squirrel dinner on Saturday night. It's a good time, I enjoy visiting with these guys. Makes me appreciate what I have here when they talk about hunting little wood lots of just a few acres. They come here and hunt a block of public ground of about 60,000 continuous acres and are in heaven.

So what kind of squirrels do you have? Grey? Fox? Both?

We have both. Some areas have nothing but one or the other then other areas they are intermingled. May have nothing but fox squirrels in an area for a few years then they are gone and greys take over.

Really wanted to get out but this heat has me thinking otherwise. Watched a group of 5 little ones in a den tree back during turkey season and was wanting to get back to that tree opening weekend. Never happened.

The last time that bear ate a lawyer he had the runs for 33 days!