Originally Posted by The_Big_D
How can police be sure theres not a child in the back seat? Seems somewhat reckless to shoot into a car when they dont know what/who else might be in it. Shooting out a tire or into the engine compartment I can see...

Those are tough questions. But shooting at a tire or into the engine compartment in order to stop the car is forbidden in many departments because of liability issues. Lawyers have sued cities for damages cause by car wrecks stating that the officers destroyed the ability of the crooks to control the car, and are therefore liable for the damage caused by wrecks.

I believe that lawsuits have boiled down the act of shooting - using deadly force- as justified to "end the threat". The cop has to consider, often in a split second, whether shooting the crook, and the danger it entails, is worth the risk versus letting the crook escape, and therefore continue to commit violent crimes where victims may be subject to death or great bodily injury.

Consider the backlash at recent shootings where the cop held his fire, or did not engage. Some people get overwhelmed at what to have for dinner, or what present to buy for someone. Others make great decisions under stress. With all these cameras, there is a lot of opinions after the fact, but some opinions are better based on knowledge and experience, and not mere emotion. That being said, having these videos can be a tremendous asset for "hot washes" or after actions reviews. These provide records of actual events which can be learned from, and real viable training can grow out of.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe